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 (888) 692-5985
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Hello & Welcome!

As a totally "independent" agency we are not tied or obligated to any particular carrier. That means, we can shop the entire market for you and find you the best possible coverage for the best possible - most affordable - price.
    There is no charge for our services, and we work diligently to make sure you are comfortable and well-satisfied with our recommendations.

Sad Reality...

There is NO disagreement that the Medicare system is both complex and difficult for Seniors to understand, much less navigate.

Far too many seniors DO NOT understand all the 'moving parts' of Medicare.

Many have never fully read the Medicare & You guidebook, feel overwhelmed at the thought, and thus, miss out on many benefits to which they are entitled...benefits which could help them tremendously in their later years of life. Hence, what's a Senior or Medicare-eligible person to do?

frustrated senior-medicare books

The word "confusion" come to mind? There are so many plans, rules and stipulations. According to one recent study, a significant number of seniors would rather get a colonoscopy than review their Medicare plan. Others said they'd rather visit the dentist!

Even many providers and practitioners don't fully understand the Medicare system. Their main focus is on their bottom line, understandably so.

confused doc-opt 

The bottom line for YOU? Since many of these plans change annually, it is sheer wisdom on your part to have a well-versed, seasoned professional on YOUR side as your personal consultant. Helping you match your needs (and maybe some "wants") to the plan that is the best fit for you. That is where WE come in!

The Priester Insurance Agency's primary function is to educate seniors on their rights and options under Medicare. To help you cover those “gaps” while making sure you get the best, most comprehensive and affordable coverage possible. 

What We Do

  • Schedule a personal, private meeting with you at the time and place of YOUR choice, including videoconference, if need be

  • Customize your plan coverage, including ancillary options to help fill-in the gaps

  • Help you view all available options in your area and choose your plan via online co-browsing

  • Ensure that ALL your doctors are in-network (if applicable), as well as review ALL your medicines to make sure they're in the carrier's formulary (drug list) for the plan you select

pro men walking

Providing superior customer service for nearly two decades

Quick, secure, trustworthy

Licensed in several states

Represent only top-rated carriers in the US

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