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Medicare Coverage

There are basically three options under the Medicare program for seniors to receive healthcare coverage. However, the third option should NEVER be considered an option!

Do You Completely Understand Your Options?

What is the difference between a Medicare Advantage Plan and a Medicare Supplement Plan? Is one "better" than the other?

One big difference is that Medicare Advantage plans are NOT insurance policies. So what do you have when you enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan?

  • When do you qualify for Medicare Part A? 
  • When must you sign up for Medicare Parts B and D to avoid a penalty?
  • Must you enroll in Medicare Part D? If so when?
  • If you choose NOT to enroll in Medicare Part D, will you have to pay a penalty?
  • Do you qualify for "Extra Help". Do you know what it is?

It is critical that Seniors (and those who help take care of them) know and understand the answers to these and other questions about the Medicare program.

Learning "the hard way" could be VERY costly.

senior ladies

Thousands of seniors don’t know that:
  • Plan F - the plan that pays 100% of all Medicare approved costs - is gone!! (no longer an option for those born after 1954)

  • Congress ordered that Plan F be phased out of the Medicare program (for new beneficiaries) as of 2020.

  • Insurance companies can only sell you a “standardized” Medigap policy.

  • At present, there are 11 such "standardized" Medigap plans. Which one is best for you?

  • These Medigap policies must all have specific benefits so you can compare them easily.

  • Medicare Advantage plans must be renewed every year and the benefits, network and pricing can change from year to year.

  • Part D (PDPs) Prescription Drug Plans are not all created equal.

John Priester is a certified Medicare advisor. He can help you explore and understand all your options under Medicare, what you're entitled to as well as choose the plan that's best for YOU. One that will maximize your benefits to suit your medical and financial needs, while minimizing your out of pocket costs.

Click here and leave your contact information to get your FREE, personalized Medicare plan review. 

Med Supp for Me?

  • Fills "gap" in Medicare payments

  • "Standardized" plans
  • Gives seniors broader options for coverage
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