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 (888) 692-5985
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Frequently Asked Questions

Following are a few of the questions that we get from time to time. We will add others as we see the need arise.

Q: Should I already have my new Medicare card?
A: YES!  The majority of those who are Medicare eligible  should have their cards by now. If you don't, get in touch with your local Medicare office or call 1-800-633-4227.

Q: When should I begin to carry my new Medicare card?
A: Right away, and be sure to shred your old card.

Q: What is "the best" Medicare Plan for me?
A:  That is entirely subjective. In other words, there is no "best plan" for everyone. No "one-size-fits-all" when it comes to Medicare plans or another other health insurance plans, for that matter. Answering that question requires a one-on-one appointment to discuss your individual needs, medical necessities or requirements and your financial concerns. Call or e-mail us to arrange your personal appointment. Everything discussed will remain strictly confidential.

Q: Will I have to pay a penalty if I don't sign up for Part B or Part D?
A:  Yes!  Unless you sign up for Medicare Part B & D coverage within the limited time frame once you become eligible. And the longer you go without it, the more expensive the penalty becomes...which you will have to pay for the rest of your life! There are exceptions though. For more details, call or e-mail us for your personal appointment. We'll answer all your questions and concerns.

Q: Is it safe to apply for coverage online?
A: Yes! All insurance carriers who accept applications online (and that's an ever-increasing number nowadays) have secure websites with strong security to protect themselves and their clients. Any carrier-links provided from this website will take you directly to those secure application pages.

Q: How much Life Insurance should I have?
A: The short answer seems evasive, but it's true...it all depends. Click here to get the full explanation.

Q: Do you sell homeowner's, apartment and/or auto coverage?
A: That's always a possibility to add at some future point, but at this time we don't. We can - however - refer you to colleagues who provide those lines of coverage.

Related resources

  • How can I learn about Part D options?
  • Is it safe to put my info online?
  • How much Life Insurance should I carry?
  • Do you offer Home Owners and Auto Insurance Coverage?
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