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How Much Life Do I Need?

The primary purpose of life insurance is to replace income lost due to the death of an income earner.

Remember, entire books have been written on the subject and, since no one has a crystal ball, there is no 'one-size-fits all' answer to determining your family’s needs.

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It’s your judgment call ... so be sure to review your coverage frequently as your goals, assets and debts change over time.

That being said, here is one suggestion:

Multiply your current annual gross income by 5 to 7 = $__________.  This is the amount of Life Insurance you need, as recommended by The American Council of Life Insurance.

Not sure if you want Term, Whole or Universal Life?

Click here for a full explanation of each to help you make your decision.

If you need suggestions or quotes, be sure to send us an e-mail with your contact information. We will get back in touch with you quickly.

Life Questions

  • How to figure out your needs
  • Facts to determine what type and how much coverage
  • How to understand the various types of coverage
  • How can I make an educated decision and avoid guessing?
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