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Facts of Life (Life Insurance)

As much as we hate to think about it, and no matter how much we don't even want to talk about it, one day will be our last day alive for whatever reason(s)

According to a recent study, more than half of all Americans do not own a life insurance policy. Thats more than 162 million people who have NO LIFE INSURANCE!

One-third of wives own no life insurance at all – despite
the fact that 7 in 10 households are dual-income
households, and nearly 30 percent of wives earn more
than their husbands.

Studies show that 40 percent of (adult) Americans have no life insurance whatsoever and over 50 million people in this country lack adequate life insurance; leaving around 77 million
Americans potentially exposed to financial trouble if the worst
were to happen.

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People often say, 'When I buy life insurance I'm betting against myself.'  According to one expert - "That's the worst expression I've ever heard. Actually, when you purchase life insurance, you're betting you'll live but providing an assurance just in case you're wrong." 

At the Priester Insurance Agency, one of the questions we get most often is "how much life coverage should I have?"

We'll help you figure that out and structure an affordable solution for your budget and/or family.