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Travel Insurance

Without travel insurance:

  • Would you be able to pay all of your emergency expenses out of pocket and in advance?
  • Would you be covered if you injured yourself on your trip and required emergency assistance or medical evacuation back to the U.S.?
  • Would you be able to leave immediately if an elderly parent passed away or there was a medical emergency in your family back home while you were on your trip?
  • Would you get your money back if something happened before your trip and you needed to cancel?

If you answered “NO” to all of the above, then make sure you have Travel Insurance each and every time you take a trip out of the country or use commercial carriers.

Secure Options For Your Foreign Travel

The Priester Insurance Agency provides medical insurance coverage for students, missionaries, business people, all international travelers who take trips outside the USA for periods of between 5 days and 12 months.

Oftentimes the primary insurance you rely on in your home country will not cover you while you are abroad. Our programs give you that protection while traveling outside of your home country.

We provide excellent options for:

  • Global Student Insurance
  • Missionary Health Plans
  • Expat Health Insurance
  • Travel Health Insurance
  • International Health Plans and Services
  • Maritime Crew Health Plans

Click the links below for brochures and customized quotes. You can enroll online via our secure connection and print your enrollment cards immediately.

Foreign Travel Coverage - Option #1travel insurance opt#1

Foreign Travel Coverage - Option #2
Travel Ins Opt#2 

Travel Insurance

  • Medical Coverage while you are out of the country
  • Protection from: Trip interruptions, break-downs
  • Cancellations
  • Bind coverage and print cards immediately
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