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Supplemental Insurance


I ask; 'do YOU know anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer?'

The ACS - American Cancer Society and other organizations have long said that ONE out of every TWO men, and ONE out of every THREE women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. AND, of those who have cancer today, only a comparitively miniscule number of them have a family history of cancer. Alarming numbers!

Medical advances have resulted in increased survival rates. Cancer is no longer the “automatic” death sentence it once was. But with those advances come increased health care costs.

chemo infusion room

At the same time, lengthy, expensive recovery periods can mean the loss of personal income and thus, the ability to pay for care and treatment as well as ordinary living expenses.

According to the American Cancer Society;
68% of all costs related to cancer treatment are “indirect costs” and therefore; ARE NOT COVERED by regular health insurance.
How Cancer Coverage Helps You!

The Priester Insurance Agency provides Cancer Plans which pay lump-sum benefits DIRECTLY TO YOU.

These funds can help you pay those out-of-pocket expenses resulting from cancer treatment or, help you pay for ordinary and ongoing expenses like rent/mortgage, utilities, travel to or from specialty hospitals, hotel stays while there, etc.

Our agency is licensed and appointed with the top, major carriers of Cancer and other supplemental coverage. Call the number above or e-mail us to learn more.


In a word, OPTIONS!

According to a recent nationwide survey of 1,067 full-time employees covered by health insurance conducted online by Harris Interactive:

  •  84 percent of employees surveyed say they’re concerned that they or someone in their family will be diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or another serious illness in the future.
  •  71 percent of employees surveyed say they’re interested in buying personal insurance products at work, in addition to their current health insurance policy, to help cover expenses for cancer or other serious illnesses.
  •  Survival rates for ‘Critical illness’ or Cancer are increasing greatly as medical technology improves. Therefore ‘Critical Illness’ coverage is really “survival” coverage to help you pay for expenses connected with treatment or normal cost of living expenses that we all have.


By the time you have finished reading this, about 4 roadway crashes will have happened. No telling how many deaths involved, but the point is - really - that each one of us is at risk of being affected by an accident every time we walk out our door, get into a car (whether we’re driving or not) or engage in any of the usual activities of daily living.

car crash

We are not even immune to accidents resulting in serious injury right in our own home!

home injury

The truth is, thousands of accidents and injuries occur every day resulting in lost time from work, lost income, additional expenses for treatments and services NOT covered under our major medical health insurance (if we even have that). And all the while, our usual and customary monthly expenses like rent, car payment, utilities, groceries, clothing, etc. do no stop!

Benefits of Accident Coverage

A supplemental Accident policy – which pays monies directly to you to use in any way you want or need to - has helped literally millions of people in this country to avoid serious financial hardship when accidents happen.
    Coverage is affordable and a wise choice to add to your insurance portfolio. Call or e-mail to learn what your best options are.

These are just a couple of examples demonstrating that easily affordable supplemental coverage should be an integral part of our insurance portfolio.

Cash Paid to You

  • Helps pay bills
  • Helps replace lost wages
  • Helps with out of pocket costs NOT covered by health insurance

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