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 Mortgage Protection Insurance

If you have bought or refinanced a home, ask yourself these questions:

  • What would happen if I became sick or injured and could not go to work?
  • Do I have the income necessary to keep up the payments or would I lose my home?
  • (If married) would my spouse be put under big-time pressure to keep us afloat if I couldn’t work?
  • What would happen if one of my kids got sick or severely injured and I had to miss work?

Who needs mortgage protection insurance?

Mortgage payment protection insurance, also known as mortgage life insurance, is a financial planning tool to make sure that your mortgage will still be paid even if you become unemployed or disabled. It could pay off your home mortgage completely.

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Benefits of mortgage protection insurance

Mortgage protection insurance is very easy to buy. If you are a homeowner, you can often purchase mortgage protection insurance without a physical examination.

Homeowners who may not be able to qualify for other types of disability or life insurance polices due to the nature of their occupation or the state of their health should consider buying mortgage protection insurance. If you feel that you are at high risk for losing your job, you should also consider coverage.

Mortgage protection insurance also makes sense for people who don't have emergency savings that they can use to make mortgage payments if they become temporarily disabled or unemployed.

Call or e-mail us if you want to learn more about Mortgage Protection Coverage. 


  • Avoid losing your home
  • Payments made if you're sick or injured and can't work
  • Great for those with hazardous jobs that prevent traditional coverage
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