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The Real Story On Disability

What are you doing right now to protect your most valuable asset? You protect your car, home, furniture and other material belongings, but are you protecting your MOST valuable asset? Do you even know what it is?

Why You Should Not Be Without Disability Coverage

  • If you became too sick or injured to go to work, how would you pay your regular, monthly bills?
  • Few of us could maintain our basic standard of living during a disabling loss of income.
  • It can take up to a full year before Social Security benefits can be secured. And right now, Congress is planning to make it harder qualify!

Individual and Group plans are available. To learn more, please click here to get your comparative quotes or call the number above for more details.

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 Did you know?

  1. If you’re between 35-65, your chance of suffering a disabling injury and being unable to work for 90 days or more is far greater than your chance of dying?

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  3. Lost income resulting from a disabling accident or illness is blamed for 62% of ordiary people being forced into bankruptcy due to medical expenses. Even worse, 75% of those had health insurance at the time.

  4. 350,000 personal bankruptcies every year are blamed on injuries and unexpected illnesses.

Disability Facts

  • Protects our most valuable asset
  • Pays the bills when you can't work
  • Thousands are injured or get sick every year, can't work
