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Dental Coverage Options

Most people do not have dental coverage and postpone or put off going to the dentist. It could be that many people do not realize that dental insurance is available for individuals. A few things to consider:

  1. If you let a small toothache continue until it is a major problem, it will only cost more in the end without dental coverage. Still many people try to tough it out until the pain is unbearable.

  2. Dental care is important for a couple of reasons; appearance and health are the most common. When you meet someone, you often notice their teeth first.

  3. When you stop to think about it, the cost of dental insurance coverage saves you from having to pay the full amount, if and when you have to go to the dentist on a regular basis.

  4. This is why dental insurance coverage is vital to your heath and future well-being.

dentist office 

The recommendation is that everyone needs at least yearly dental care to prevent problems. Dental Insurance coverage will help ease the cost and the pain of having to pay the full amount of dental visits regularly.

An option for dental insurance is available with 60% coverage starting DAY ONE! No networks, choose any dentist. Some plans cover implants too! If this is of interest, check out the links below or leave your info on the "Contact Us" page.

Click here for Dental & Vision insurance with actual co-pays for services, a flat $100 LIFETIME DEDUCTIBLE and THREE cleanings per year. You can even apply online.

Click here to review a variety of affordable dental discount plan options from the top carriers in the industry. You can also apply for these directly online!

Affordable Dental

  • Helps cover costs
  • Eases pain in your mouth AND your wallet
  • Saves you from paying FULL price like those with no dental insurance
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